Naura Automation

About Us

Welcome to the website of the engineering company Naura Automation !

The Company

NAURA Automation was founded in 1999 as an engineering company for automation- and control technology for industrial-, domestic-, and solar facilities.


Our company conceives of and constructs regular contactor control systems or brings to life the latest in control technology. You make the call!

Special fields

We specialize in fail-safe and subject-to-acceptance control systems as well as systems in potentially explosive areas.


Our engineers specialize in the projecting, constructing, and taking into operation of facilities in the following areas:

Company Philosophy

The quality and safety of our services, along with long years of experience, result in perfect customer satisfaction.
Not only do we offer technical expertise but flexibility to solve new tasks. We offer on-time delivery and a reliable partnership for your company.


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Contact and Company Information

Company Headquarters:

Naura Automation

Schiede 23
D-65549 Limburg
Fon: +49 (0) 6431 / 477 278
Fax: +49 (0) 6431 / 477 280

Sales tax identification number: DE349153727

Proprietor § 55 Abs. 2 RStV

Andreas Nauheim

Dipl.-Ing. Elektrotechnik
Rübsanger Str. 42
D-65551 Limburg


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